Millham, Herbert C. ‘Herb’

Year Inducted / Année Intronisé:

1986, 1992

Province / Province:

British Columbia

Category / Catégorie:


Biography / Biographie:

No other curling executive in recent times has contributed more to the development of curling in Canada than Herb Millham. Herb was first elected to the CCA Board of Directors in 1974 and charged with chairmanship of the newly formed public relations committee. His first task was to oversee the development of the curling instruction system for Canada and through his efforts and in cooperation with CLCA, the Curl Canada program was born.

Millham’s persistence and perseverance ensured survival of the Curl Canada program through it’s early years. It was also Millham who was the political driving force that made curling part of the National Sport and Recreation Centre, Coaching Association of Canada and National Coaching Certification program. Millham became President of the CCA in 1978 and signed the first historic contract between the CCA and Labatt in March of that year. He became chairman of the 1987 world championship committee in Vancouver, but passed away in August of 1985.