Hey Romeo At the Patch
Hey Romeo received nominations for Group Of The Year, Web Site Of The Year and Darren Gusnowsky received a nomination for Best Guitar and Rob Shapiro for Best Keyboards!Hey Romeo are no strangers to the CCMAs, having received the award for Best New Group in 2008 and are thrilled and honoured to be nominated for these prestigious awards.
When the sound of Hey Romeo spills out of speakers, and it could be those in a car tuned into a local radio station, a couple of high end pieces of audio artwork paired in a home stereo, earplugs in a ipod, or massive bins in a concert hall, one thing always factors into the equation at hand.
atthepatch.ca for more information about the Keith’s Patch.
Quite simply, the bright, soulful sound of Hey Romeo becomes the soundtrack for everything else that is going on in day-to-day life.
It’s a sound, where classic country phrasing and sentiments like honky-tonk heartaches, dovetail beautifully with the slick steps and bounce of upbeat urban adventures.
Stacie Roper, Rob Shapiro, and Darren Gusnowsky are the collective heartbeat of Hey Romeo and over the past eight years, this trio of accomplished musicians have put in the required hard work, to make the group one of the “real” rising star acts in Canadian country music.
Along with the prerequisite of superior talent, Hey Romeo is a combination of unique and likeable personalities and perseverance. Those ingredients came together in Alberta in 2002, after Stacie, Rob and Darren had all spent their formative years figuring out who they were musically.
Kick-starting a band is one thing, keeping it on the rails and pointed in the right direction for any length of time is another. From the outset, Shapiro remembers that, “there was a unique tone to what we were doing with Hey Romeo and one that deserved our commitment.”
That they had all grown and survived in the very competitive Alberta music scene was one of the calling cards that enabled the group, which initially worked under another name, to stand out from the pack.
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