Welcome to the BC Bound Blog by Paul Webster!
My name is Paul Webster the Canadian Curling Assocation’s National Development Coach. In this blog I will be giving you regular updates on the teams and the process leading up to the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. As some of you know the current CCA Olympic Trials process is somewhat complicated so it will be my job to help you understand it, as well as get to know some of the teams, players, coaches and officials involved in the entire system.
I am a Calgary based Level 4 (almost Level 5!!) coach responsible for our National Training Center here in Calgary, the CCA La Releve program (more on that program to follow), consulting with some of our National Team Program teams and coaching whenever and wherever possible! I was chosen to do this blog as I have the fortunate position to be involved with a number of the teams involved in this process as well as having another reponsibility of updating the Canadian Team Ranking System (CTRS) each week.
I hope you enjoy our journey together this season, next season leading into the Trials and then onto Vancouver 2010! If you have any questions please feel free to forward them to [email protected].
Yours in curling,
Paul Webster

Vancouver Olypmic Centre, Curling Venue