Career Opportunity: Chief Engineer – Facility Manager & Lead Ice Technician

Kelowna Curling Club, British Columbia

Facility Manager – Chief Engineer – Full-time year-round.

Responsible for the safe operation of the refrigeration plant, duties including, but not limited to:

• Ensure that yearly maintenance of the refrigeration plant is performed in compliance with the established maintenance plan.
• Ensure that safe work practices and good housekeeping habits dominate the work environment of the refrigeration plant.
• Track and maintain records for long term change out, or inspection dates, for major refrigeration components.
• Ensure that all safety controls on the refrigeration plant are tested and/or up to date with required mandatory replacement in compliance with the Safety Standards Act.
• Ensure that daily reports and bi-hourly checks are made on the refrigeration plant.
• Ensure that preventative maintenance duties are performed properly, safely and on schedule, such as; cleaning filters, adding and removing oil, under floor heating, cleaning condenser jets, greasing motors and safely changing operating parameters of the plant.
• Start up and shut down of the plant.
• Drain refrigerant from the compressors for extended off periods.
• First call out for emergency alarms associated with refrigeration plant operation in the curling season. On call 24/7/365
• Troubleshoot and rectify arising maintenance/operational events.
• Ensure that the chemical properties of the brine system are within prescribed parameters.
• Ensure that chemical treatment of heat transfer water systems are maintained within prescribed parameters.
• Ensure that qualified staffing protocols are followed in compliance with the Safety Standards Act and the requirements set out by Technical Safety BC.
• Ensure that required personal safety equipment is in place and in good working order.
• Maintain and update ammonia safety procedures documents and training.
• Submit annual safety report to TSBC.
• Keep records of all service/repairs on the ice plant
• Keep records of all pressure safety relief devices; serial numbers and change out dates
• Establish and maintain a training program for all power engineers and track the development of skills.
• Oversee and set out the parameters of the annual service contract with refrigeration technical services.

Confirm the ice plant remote monitoring contract annually and keep a record of the contract.
Currently chairperson of the Safety Committee which meets to review accidents, accident prevention and accident reaction protocols. Ensure that building evacuation drills are practiced and reviewed. Ensure that staff, management and Council are informed of safety committee meetings and of the legal liability exposure of non-representation. Promote safe work practices and freedom of safety communication within the work force.


The Chief Engineer must be certified by the BC Safety Authority as a Refrigeration Operator.

The facilities manager oversee all aspects of building functions and guarantees the safety and functionality of the facilities. Duties include but not limited to running routine safety inspections, corresponding with contractors, planning maintenance work, maintaining records, and supervising facilities staff. Planning and executing off-season work and regular maintenance.

Lead Ice Technician – Full-time seasonal.

Primary role is to provide a basic template for curling ice preparation and maintenance which falls within proven parameters, and to provide guidance and training for challenges that might be new to the Head Ice Technician, duties include:

• Foster a work environment that is disciplined and rigorous in monitoring, and reporting, equipment and tool conditions such as; curling conditions, Boss blade condition, rock running surface status, pebble head cleaning and maintenance, pebble water TDS status, nip volume, humidity and temperatures, arena fan operation. Thus promoting consistency and uniformity within the parameters over which we have control.
• Maintain open and free communication with Head Ice Technician so that my historical experience is fully combined with his current practices. Due to our infrequent personal contact this is fostered through daily written messages, text messaging, phone calls and monthly arena staff meetings.
• On hand to guide and contribute to critical tasks such as decal installation, rock reconditioning, equipment repair.
• Responsible for upstairs and front entry janitorial duties during the curling season.

There are no certificates of qualification for an assistant ice technician; enthusiasm, dedication, some knowledge of ice making, public relations skills and a team spirit are essential elements.

Please send resume and references by e-mail at Applicants will only be contacted if they are shortlisted for an interview.