The Energy Starts at the Top for the Capital One Canada Cup
At the age of 10, Danielle Sicinski threw her first rock down the ice at the Spy Hill Curling Rink in the Saskatchewan community southeast of Yorkton with a population in the neighborhood of 250 people.
Fast forward 19 years and Sicinski, who now resides in Moose Jaw, holds the title of Host Committee Chair for the 2012 Capital One Canada Cup – widely recognized among competitors as one of the most prestigious events on the Season of Champions schedule – and arguably the biggest curling championship Moose Jaw has ever hosted.
“We grew up as rink rats… my parents both curled and we spent a lot of time at the rink watching them in league games and bonspiels,” recalls the Host Chair. “It was just a natural step to get involved in the game.”
Along with an inherent interest in curling, Sicinski also acquired the family’s organizational instincts that have helped her on the road to the head position with the Capital One Canada Cup.
“My mother was the Mayor and my father was the Fire Chief back home. It became a common thought in the town that it was just a matter of time before I’d be organizing some kind of event.”
The first real signs of her leadership skills came to the surface as a Grade 11 student at Langenburg High School when Sicinski organized her first bonspiel.
“Myself and a teammate put together a year-end bonspiel for kids in grades 5 to 12. We helped recruit players to fill the teams, set up the draw and went out in the community for local sponsorship for prizes and the pizza that everyone had after. It was a lot of fun seeing the kids enjoying themselves and I remember seeing a lot of parents there having a great time as well.”
In 2008 she served as a director for the Scotties Tournament of Hearts in Regina and later in a similar capacity for the 2011 Ford World Men’s Curling Championship. She has also worked behind the scenes planning for the Sandra Schmirler Classic and was instrumental in the formation of the Saskatchewan Women’s Curling Tour.
“Right from the start I used those experiences as opportunities for research… to find out what it takes to organize these events. There was a lot of discussion concerning a new arena for Moose Jaw and I knew when it did become a reality we’d be in the running for the major curling events. I definitely wanted to be involved when that actually happened.”
When it came to involvement in school and community activities, Sicinski’s interests weren’t exclusive to curling. Far from it in fact, as she took in virtually everything that was available – serving on the SRC from grades 6 to 8 at Spy Hill School and grades 11 and 12 at Langenburg High School. She played piano as a youngster and clarinet in the school band – as well as dabbling in drama during high school and winning a best actress award for her debut role in grade 10.
In the field of athletics, the energetic youth was active in rhythmic gymnastics, curling, volleyball, track and field, badminton and fastball. She still curls and plays fastball as well as adding golf and kayaking to a long list of sporting interests.
As Host Chair for the 2012 Capital One Canada Cup, Sicinski finds herself speaking to local groups on a regular basis, drumming up enthusiasm for the event coming to Mosaic Place November 28-December 2. And, the response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive.
“Mosaic Place is the primary reason we’re able to host the event,” she comments, in reference to the city’s new state-of-the-art sports and entertainment complex. “People are excited that we now have the capability to bring major events to town and they’re ready to support them… because they understand that will lead to more in the future.”
In spite of an incredibly full schedule, the Host Chair recently found the time to arrange her wedding in Banff for 115 guests. “We enjoyed having our family and friends there for the wedding… and, no surprise, we planned a few activities for them while they were there!”
“You Gotta Be There” for the 2012 Capital One Canada Cup in Moose Jaw’s Mosaic Place – when the top teams in the country compete in the facility’s first major sporting event. Tickets are available now by clicking here.