enNov 11, 2019

why volunteer
Being part of a Curling Canada championship behind the scenes is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it’s one you can take advantage of! You’ll play a role in the success of an event, and get access that ticket-buyers DON’T get!
The 2023 Tim Hortons Brier volunteer program is proudly sponsored by Peter Inch & Associates Heating + Air Conditioning.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering. Volunteer applications for the 2023 Tim Hortons Brier are now closed. If you’d like to be added to the waitlist, please contact [email protected].

Volunteer sponsor message
Thank You, from the bottom of our heart! The Brier could not happen without you. Everyone at Peter Inch & Associates Heating + Air Conditioning greatly appreciates the time you are giving up to make sure the London Tim Hortons Brier is an overwhelming success. Take some time to enjoy the experience, meet old friends or make some new ones. I hope over the 10 days that I personally will get a chance to shake your hand and say thank you.

Peter Inch

Peter Inch & Associates Heating + Air Conditioning
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